Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Because it's My Blog

Here's a rant.

Oh, Facebook.

I love that you help me keep in touch with people, especially ones that Ihaven't seen in person in years. I love that you make it so easy. I love that I can chat with family that live out of state, and show them what The Prince has been up to.

I dislike how you can so easily turn me into a cyber stalker. It's so simple to keep clicking and checking up on people. That link that went around to tell people who has been looking at your pictures? That scared me pretty good. I dislike how people use you to tell their friends important news (I have done this myself, and while I can't really find a great way around it for big announcements, I still am uncomfortable with it). I dislike how somedays I have to check you umpteen times a day.

Arg. Somedays I think about giving up technology, or doing a fast or something, but then I get the shakes and hyperventilate. I'll stay plugged in for now.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Royal Celebration

Birthday breakfast

Lots of friends came to play

The Prince loved when Daddy blew the Birthday Horn.
Out-of-state family joined us by webchat.

Squishing the cake.

End of the day hijinks.

Happy 1st, Little Prince!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Oh, Motherhood...

Yesterday was One of Those Days. The Prince was fussy all day long. Here are possible reasons:

1. He had cabin fever.
2. His mouth hurt from new teeth.
3. His tummy hurt from something he ate.
4. He was mad because Mommy kept taking away the interesting things he found to play with (which, by the way, Mommy has no idea where most of them came from, because the house has been baby-proofed for months now).
5. He was exerting his individual identity and challenging the status quo in the household.

The day ended with what is a very funny incident, but which led Mommy to give up and wait for Daddy to come home.

The Prince's favorite cabinet

The Prince is allowed to play in the cabinets. There's nothing in there that can hurt him, or that he can hurt, and he finds it interesting. So, he got into his favorite cabinet, sat down, and found the only thing in there he could make a mess with: an almost-empty bag of cat food crunchies. Almost-empty, so no mess, right? Wrong. He shook and shook and shook the bag, and found enough crumbs to pour all over the floor (instant dog-mania for spilled food). The Prince even tried to nibble a few himself, while being scolded. Mommy brought the broom out to clean up, and The Prince took the broom from Mommy, and tried to do it himself.

This is the point Mommy gives up, and just tries to make sure The Prince doesn't consume any more kibble.

Not laughing yet, but maybe closed-mouth smiling a little bit. It won't hurt my feelings if you laugh.

Hmm, the mess seemed a lot bigger yesterday when it was happening.