Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Friday, October 29, 2010

Baby Life #4

Don't feed The Prince blueberries for breakfast on picture day, or you might have to re-bathe him. Heck, you might as well just bring the bathtub to pictures and dip him directly before the shoot.

PS - Even though Mommy finally seems to be growing out of her acne, she will get a giant zit for picture day.

Insert Murphy's Law as it relates to picture day here.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Best-Dressed Sooner This Side of I-40

This one is compliments of Great Uncle Mike in NC.

OK, The Prince isn't wearing Sooner gear here, but Daddy is, and it's just so darn cute.

The rest of the clothes are from Memaw in OK.
This is The Prince sitting in a rocking chair that his dad and granddad used.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Sometimes, when I undo The Prince's onesie to change him, I find leftover snacks.

Today there was a cheerio and a small piece of apple, tucked right into the top of his diaper.

Saving it for later?

Here's the cheerio print:

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

That's a Relief

1 John 4:4

...greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby Life #3

Murphy's Law, as it relates to poo.

The day you clean the bathroom will likely be the day baby poos in the bathtub.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A No-Nap Day

Yesterday was a no-nap day. That's never happened before. Sometimes The Prince takes a late nap if he's too excited, or one of his naps will be extra-short, but never both naps.

A challenge!

The first plan of action: leave early for work and drive around longer so he can have a snooze in the car. The result? No extra sleep.

The second plan of action (carried out by his sitter): rock to sleep. The result? Woke as soon as he left her arms.

The third plan of action (again with the sitter): take a walk to relax to sleep. The result? Fell asleep, but woke as soon as they stopped moving.

In The Prince's defense here, the sitter's house is a pretty exciting place to be. He loves to play there, and his buddies were there, too. But he usually gets a good nap in.

The fourth plan of action (getting pretty late in the day here): hopefully he'll fall asleep on the way home and doze for longer?? The result? Fell asleep, but woke up upon arrival at home.

The last plan for the day: play as much as possible, to distract from lack of sleep, and take up time before bed. The result? The most successful plan of the day.

I'm not sure how he did it, but he slept for about one hour the whole day. Quite a difference for someone who likes to sleep at least twice that daily, sometimes attempting to sleep more during the day than at night.

Don't smaller creatures need more sleep?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Baby Life #2

"Oh Snap." Exclamation used when trying to line up and fasten the fifty or so snaps on The Prince's sleeper during a mid-night changing, or those on his onesie while he's awake and thrashing about.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Baby Life #1 - How things are different in parenthood

Sayings and cliches that take on new meaning.

"Sleeping like a baby." As a good thing? Seriously? Who made this one up?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


We are one night closer to sleeping longer than four hours at a time.

Last night, when The Prince started crying at 11:30, I prayed. I cried out to God in desperation. My prayer was urgent, born of exhaustion.

Why is it that I do the thing that should be on the top of my list last?

The Prince got himself back to sleep. It happened several times, and we nursed at 3:00, but it was our best night yet. He woke up at 6:15 to eat again, and he was in a better morning mood than he has been for quite a while.

Each time he woke, I cried out again to God. It became a sort of a prayer-cheer, begging God for help and urging The Prince on. God answered in a way that made it clear He was at work.

We'll try again tonight, and I'll try to remember where my help comes from.

Monday, October 11, 2010

1:30 A.M.

Things to think about at 1:30 a.m. whilst letting The Prince cry it out

1. What is "it," anyway?

2. I am teaching my son a valuable life skill. I won't be able to help him go back to sleep at 1:30 and 4:30 every night in college.

3. What is the correct usage of "whilst?" (dunno; I'll use it anyway)

4. Mom and Dad don't really get any more sleep whilst the Crying it Out is taking place.

5. Am I sure The Prince isn't sick or teething? (pretty sure)

6. He really does seem to be winding down, then is quiet for a bit, then starts it up again every 3-5 minutes or so. What gives? (not sure)

7. How many minutes has it been? I think I dozed off in one of the lulls. (guess we do get a little bit more sleep)

8. If I buy him a pony, will he sleep? (worth a try)

9. How long has it been since I've gotten a complete night's sleep? (over a year, during the early part of my pregnancy. That's depressing)

10. Why didn't I just try to do the whole night when we were doing this a couple months ago? (I couldn't handle it. I'm thinking I should have tried harder to handle it)

11. WILL I EVER GET MORE SLEEP? (sigh. Dunno)

12. It seems easier just to nurse him to relax him (he never seems super hungry at the nighttime feedings anymore). If I don't stop that now, won't we have to go through it when we wean anyway?

13. Still jealous of my friends who get to sleep; still glad for more time with The Prince.

14. Is hubby snoring? Well, guess he gets more sleep.

15. Probably wouldn't be able to sleep anyway - now the pug is snoring, too.

Now that that's off my chest, I feel a little better. Tired, but better.

16. Looks like the extra commentary sentence at the end is the way I like to blog.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Oh, how I love my iPod.

It was my Christmas present two years ago, and I use it every day. When I was teaching, I used it for all my classes: music to run and skip to, music to play harmonicas to, music to get ready for band to. I listen to my own playlists in the car, and while hanging out. And "Liam's Lullabyes" (yes, I know it's spelled incorrectly, but that's what makes sense to me) are a crucial part of naptime and bedtime routines.

Throw in all the pictures of The Prince, a few movies, music videos, games, and what more could you ask for?

Best present ever, along with the portable dock that came the next year. Thanks, hubs.

And can I say how genius "shuffle" is? My goodness, all my favorites, all mixed up. I didn't think I'd like it, because I'm one to listen to entire albums over and over, but like it I do. Perhaps that's a comment on how society's need for instant gratification and neat packaging of manageable bites, but that's a topic for another post. Actually, I think it's more how I like to hear bits of all my favorite artists and songs, and really enjoy how funny it is to hear Evanescence, then Carol King, then Dixie Chicks, then Mariah Carey, then Amy Grant...that's me!