Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Monday, March 7, 2011

What's the Point?

I had a coupon.

That's why I tried one of those new bagel thin things from E=MC2's shop. It sounded like a good idea.

It was an OK idea. It was kind of like eating cream cheese on a bagel cracker. Don't get me wrong; I don't mind those bagel chips, I just was looking forward to a nice bagel. And this bagel cracker was hard to eat. There was nothing to hold on to but the cream cheese. It was messy.

I like bagels. I know they're not really good for you, because they're so carb-y, but that's what makes them delicious. I never understood those people that eat the scooped-out bagels. Sorry if I offend you.

There does seem to be some sort of need for balance on the healthy eating front. Most days I would rather have a smaller portion of the full-fat so-tasty stuff than a whole box of the fake stuff. I mean, what's the point? And some of the fake stuff isn't really good for you at all, while the real stuff does have redeeming qualities. Real mayo? Good omega 3's. Yummy fresh-baked pastries? Real butter and whole ingredients, which I've heard are good for depression (seriously!). And something about how with the fake sugar, your body doesn't really register it as sugar, so you'll still have the craving anyway.

I like food. I like the whole experience - sight, smell (especially if you make it at home and the house smells fabulous for it), texture, and the taste. And if it's fajitas, the sound. For me, that's the point.

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