Our little man certainly is a babe of many talents. His most recent accomplishments include learning how to open doors (watch out for those lever handles), learning how to open toilets, and getting over RSV.
His spoken vocabulary is still pretty small. He knows (or has said in the past) "teddy bear," "mama," "dada," "meemaw and mimi (grandma)," but he can recognize many words that we say to him. When I talk about the laundry, he goes over to the washer and dryer. He can help feed the dog when we ask him to get her food bowl. He does spend much of the day chattering and singing in baby jargon.
He has become quite good at signing. He can do the signs for dog, cat, milk, please, water, food, and is very good at pointing and grunting. He understands the signs for more, no touch, no bite.
He responds to warnings when he's doing things he shouldn't, like standing up on the chairs or getting into the dog kennel when the dog is eating. It usually goes something like this: "Prince, sit on your bottom. 1...2..." At this point he either sits down, or refuses to and is removed from the situation. Often he will watch Mom or Dad as they count, pushing as far as he can.
He is very good at climbing. He can climb onto chairs, stools, and beds, up stairs, and pretty much whatever you put in front of him.
His appetite seems to have increased. He eats several servings of fruits, veggies, and grains at each meal, with a couple snacks each day and lots of protein. His current favorites are blueberries, bananas, clementines, and graham crackers.
He gets very frustrated when things aren't going his way, like when he's trying to pull the toy doggy and it flips over, or when he can't quite pull the lid off of the blocks tub.
He had gone to just one nap each day, but this week he's been taking two naps. He is fairly consistently sleeping until 6 or 6:30 each morning. Praise the Lord for that!
He is very social. He loves going to his daycare and sitter's house, and playing with his friends at MOPS. Sometimes Mommy has a hard time keeping him busy when it's just the two of us.
He loves to clap, dance, and lift his arms up to say "yahoo!"
He loves water, whether at bathtime, in the dog bowl, or in someone's cup.
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