Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Baby Life #6

The Ebb and Flow of Time

Really it's more just "The Flow of Time," because hardly anything ever ebbs around here anymore. Sometimes the sleepless nights ebb, and the time spent away from my family to do practical things like work, but mostly time just rushes by.

I've said this more in the past year than I ever have before, but I'll say it again. I can't believe how fast things have gone. I have a one-year-old. How on earth did that happen? He was just a few months old yesterday. Now, he's walking (nearly running) around the house. Naked, when at all possible.

It's sort of one of life's most unfair things, that this is such an important time in my life, and I'm having a hard time remembering a lot of it. Some nights, when I'm waiting for The Prince to sleep, I try to go back through this past year, and I have a tough time remembering clearly. The lack of sleep and enormity of it all seems to have eclipsed many of the precious moments. I try to hold on to as much as I can.

I am so glad we splurged on a nice camera on Black Friday two years ago. Totally worth it.

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