Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Snapshot of the Prince

Here are a few tidbits of what The Prince is up to these days. He's 10 months and 25 days old.

Today, he learned how to shake his head. Like to say "no." I don't think he knows what it means, but it makes for some pretty entertaining moments. Me: Let's put your diaper on. The Prince: Shakes his head. Me: Let's get out of the bathtub. The Prince: Shakes his head.

He takes two naps a day. Typically, he's a speed napper, usually doing two 45 minute stretches at 8:30 and 1:30. This week, though, he's slept for a least an hour each time.

He's gone back to waking up two times a night. For a blissful few weeks, it was just once, but just in time for our trip, he started on the two times again. I go back and forth between enjoying the time and wishing we could move on.

He seems thisclose to walking. He's been cruising for awhile, and in OK he pushed a doll's buggy around and around at Granny A and Papa Bear's house.

If he's really enjoying himself, like playing with dishes or toys, he can play independently for quite awhile. He just drags whatever's currently interesting him around. Sometimes he sits and turns little circles on his bottom, moving his toy around and around.

Hungry, hungry, hungry! He eats three meals, two snacks, and nurses around six times each day. He loves finger food, and prefers to feed himself. His favorites are sweet potatoes (baked fries or mashed), yogurt, cheese, and most fruits. If I'm feeding him his veggies first, he often won't eat until I give him some finger food or alternate bites of veggies and fruits. Sometimes I give him his own spoon to hold and practice with.

He enjoys sucking his big toe.

He can click with his tongue.

He has a great smile and laugh, but he also smiles with his eyes. They kind of crinkle up and he does just a small smile with his mouth.

Since it's hard to get him to sit still for any length of time, we read to him in the bathtub. Right now, we read Goodnight Moon every night, and he gets very excited when it's time. Sometimes he yells and looks over to where the book is if he thinks its time to start reading.

He is fast. Always moving, always wanting to get into things and discover. It's so cool to watch him learning.

My goodness, I could go on and on. I won't tonight. More for later!

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