1. Food. It's always great in OK, but aside from the usual favorites (Braums, Taco Mayo, BBQ with all the fixin's, velveeta mac n cheese) we had TWO Thanksgiving feasts. That meant we had plenty of mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, homemade stuffing, various cranberry dishes, and turkey AND ham both days. And did I mention the pies? In OK, there's no such thing as "too much" food. Feeling a bit hungry? Have another helping of EVERYTHING. A little hungry before bedtime? Have another piece of pecan pie. Might as well have another pumpkin, too. Don't mind if I do!
2. Family. Ok, maybe this should be #1. A wonderful Memaw, oodles of excited and exciting aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents all just busting to play with The Prince. And they were excited to see his mom and dad, too. Definitely the most precious part of the trip.
3. Where the wind comes sweeping. The Prince had a blast crawling around Memaw's yard, and even playing in a pile of leaves in Aunty K's. Yes, Daddy let The Prince play in the leaves. Daddy even threw the leaves on The Prince. Mommy cringed, but enjoyed watching The Prince enjoy himself and discover his love for the outdoors. They are such boys.
Bonus? The OK family is coming out for a CO Christmas. We are so excited! This hasn't happened since I've been in the family, but they are all going to bravely trek out here and spend a few days in close quarters. That's what family's all about, right? Can't wait!
Ooooooklahoma is so wonderful! Braum's!!! I miss that place. Such a smart invention to be able to get food AND milk bread eggs cheese for the week.