Yesterday was a no-nap day. That's never happened before. Sometimes The Prince takes a late nap if he's too excited, or one of his naps will be extra-short, but never both naps.
A challenge!
The first plan of action: leave early for work and drive around longer so he can have a snooze in the car. The result? No extra sleep.
The second plan of action (carried out by his sitter): rock to sleep. The result? Woke as soon as he left her arms.
The third plan of action (again with the sitter): take a walk to relax to sleep. The result? Fell asleep, but woke as soon as they stopped moving.
In The Prince's defense here, the sitter's house is a pretty exciting place to be. He loves to play there, and his buddies were there, too. But he usually gets a good nap in.
The fourth plan of action (getting pretty late in the day here): hopefully he'll fall asleep on the way home and doze for longer?? The result? Fell asleep, but woke up upon arrival at home.
The last plan for the day: play as much as possible, to distract from lack of sleep, and take up time before bed. The result? The most successful plan of the day.
I'm not sure how he did it, but he slept for about one hour the whole day. Quite a difference for someone who likes to sleep at least twice that daily, sometimes attempting to sleep more during the day than at night.
Don't smaller creatures need more sleep?
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