Loving Every Minute

Loving Every Minute

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Life Changing Experiences

Since my experience at Yogurtland was life-changing (sorry for the inconsistent use of the hyphen. That inconsistency will probably be consistent throughout this post), I thought I'd spend some time coming up with other life-changing events.

1. My first taste of spaghetti. I don't remember it, but it must have happened at some point, because spaghetti is now my favorite food.

2. Band girl that I am, I decided to quit band senior year of HS (for fairly childish, but perfectly valid reasons). I was able to focus on singing and choir, and realize how much I love that, which eventually led to my degree in voice.

3. My decision to leave my freshman year of college early, because of family and money challenges. I was able to transfer to Colorado Christian University the following fall. It was absolutely where I needed to be at that point in my life, and it helped me more fully pursue my faith.

4. Saying "yes" to the date offer from the strangely intriguing boy with the yellow glasses in my freshman theater class. The day I married him seven years ago was pretty life changing, too...

5. The day The Prince was born...well, from the day we found out we were pregnant...but boy, I had no idea how much life would change! I can't believe what an amazing little gift he is. He's incredible!

6. Yogurtland.

That's all for now. I'd love to hear others' biggest (most memorable, favorite?) life-changing experiences.


  1. ooo! I like this post a lot! :)

    Let's see...some life changing things for me would have to be Yogurtology, which led to Red Mango, Twisted Cultures, etc etc and caused my heart to long for and rejoice in the day that Yogurtland came to CO!

    Another would be going to baseball games with my dad when I was little - I still LOVE baseball to this day because of those early years of getting excited about an ice cream cone at the game, while my dad explained what was going on.

    Choosing to go to OBU. Huge effect on my life! Including but not limited to, falling in love with OU football, meeting the best friends ever, learning more about God and my own faith, etc etc!!!

    I know there are a lot more but those are what jump out immediately!

  2. Omigoodness, what is Yogurtology? Is it an OK thing? Did OK actually beat CO at something in coolness? :-) Thanks for sharing, Sara!
