Today was a struggle. It certainly didn't help that my lack of sleep left me teetering on the edge of I-just-might-lose-it-any-second, but it was a trying day. A trying few weeks, for that matter. Too much to do, not enough time, not enough arms (I was just telling The Prince that if I were an octopus mommy things would be much easier. But I suppose the octopus mommies wish they were centipede mommies!).
I guess I'm still working through my new identity as a mom and what that means for me. I resigned my parttime teaching position so I can stay at home more with The Prince, but that means that this year is the first since kindergarten that I won't be attending or teaching school in some way.
I did go to one of the best conferences I've ever experienced this week. That was part of the time struggle, but I'm definitely glad I worked it in. It challenged the way I see myself as a leader in my church and in my home. And I left with some great books and thoughts to work through. Now to only find the time to do that...
The Prince is teething again. It's been going on for over a week, and this time there's at least three coming in at once. The difficult part there, and I assume this is part of what being a parent is all about, is that I can't do much to help him. A little bit of medicine or frozen banana to munch on, but much of the day he hurts too much to suck. Oh, sweet baby. Special thanks to the nursery workers who took extra-special care of him this morning.
We had a neighborhood BBQ last night, and between that and the conference, my introverted self was soooo relieved to get back to my little quiet condo and the sleeping Prince.
Things I love tonight (well, most nights, but they are especially sweet tonight): thunderstorms, my husband's homemade icecream, The Prince lounging on the boppy after he eats, and the way he puts his tiny head on my shoulder when I burp him. The Prince, not The Hubby.
Of course, it would help with the sleeping thing if I didn't stay up late to work on my blog.
And I would like a pair of Tom's.
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