So, we are trying something different. I'll never be able to do 'extinction,' or letting The Prince cry for hours so he 'learns' how to get himself to sleep. I know that's the problem, that he doesn't know how to get himself to sleep and he needs my help, but I just can't handle the crying. It makes us both sick. I know it works for some families, but not mine.
We've chosen 'The No-Cry Sleep Method.' Sounds great, right? The only problem? It may take weeks (and lots of work) to see results. Weeks. You do what you need to get the babe to sleep, then gradually modify that. (That 'extinction' method looks pretty good here, since proponents claim it may take only a few nights. Still not worth it.)
I'll start off by saying The Prince sleeps in his own crib, but I'm not opposed to (safe) co-sleeping, and I think it's very special. We have chosen an early bedtime, regular naps, and routines.
Last night was the first Serious Night. Here's the sleep log:
Begin bedtime routine: 5:30 (dinner, bath, massage, songs, nursing, rocking)
Asleep: 6:30 in crib.
Awake: 10:55, nursed, back asleep by 11:05.
Awake: 2:35, nursed, diaper change, back asleep by 2:45.
Awake: 4:53, rocked back to sleep.
Awake: 5:23, nursed, back asleep by 5:33.
Awake: 5:40, brought into my bed.
Awake for the day: 6:30.
That's five night wakings, with a total of about 11 hours of sleep.
We'll re-evaluate in ten days.
Yes, I'm jealous of my friends who get a full night's sleep. But I'll cherish the extra time with The Prince while I have it.
Welcome to the blogosphere! And you can know that I truly mean that, because I just used a word that I hate.