You start with a few fun words and a few daily, necessary words. We've chosen milk, more, food, bed(sleepy), doggie, kitty, and ducky. The signs are easy to learn and to remember; the tricky part is remembering to do them every time you say the word. You say and sign the word when you're doing or holding that thing.
The cool part is that The Prince has started paying attention to the signs. For a while, it seemed as though it was just for myself, but one day at bathtime I noticed him noticing my hand sign "ducky." Yay!
The whole thing got me thinking: if he's ready to express himself before he talks, and he's noticing when I do the signs, how much is he really taking in? I think sometimes we tend to go about our daily lives, not paying attention to what the baby is paying attention to. It's enough to make me consider everything that I surround myself with, and therefore surround The Prince with: the TV, the music, my words and tone when I deal with other people and the pets.
This verse has been heavily on my mind lately, and is a perfect check for me to go through when considering the things I allow myself and The Prince to take in:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Phil 4:8